Indonesian Emergency Numbers You Must Know When Traveling

nomor darurat indonesia

When traveling, be it short or long distances, emergency situations can occur at any time without warning. Therefore, it is important to always be prepared for various possibilities. One wise step is to save Indonesian emergency numbers that you can call when you need help. The following is an explanation of the importance of saving emergency numbers and a list of emergency numbers that you must have.

The Importance of Saving Emergency Numbers

In emergency situations, such as accidents or urgent medical conditions, having quick access to emergency services is critical. Here are some reasons why saving emergency numbers on your cell phone is crucial:

1. Response Speed

In emergency situations, time is very valuable. Every second can mean the difference between life and death, especially in a medical emergency or accident. Saving emergency numbers allows you to contact necessary services immediately. With the number already saved, you don't need to waste time looking for information. You can immediately contact emergency services and get help as quickly as possible.

2. Security and Comfort

Knowing that you have quick access to emergency services provides a sense of security and comfort during travel. This sense of security is not only for you, but also for family and friends who may be along for the ride. Apart from that, by having an emergency number you can Reduce stress and worry. With good preparation, you can enjoy your trip with more peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for the worst.

3. Reduces Panic

In an emergency, a person will tend to panic so it can slow down your ability to think clearly and take appropriate action. By having emergency numbers saved, you can act more quickly and effectively. This preparation allows you to focus on handling the situation rather than searching for phone numbers.

4. Technical Support

In situations such as vehicle breakdown on the highway, technical emergency numbers are very helpful in getting help as quickly as possible. Technical problems such as engine failure, flat tires or running out of fuel can disrupt your trip. Contacting emergency technical services can speed up troubleshooting and reduce waiting times in unsafe areas. This is especially important when you are in a remote or unfamiliar location.

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List of Emergency Numbers in Indonesia

By having a list of emergency numbers, you will be better prepared to deal with various emergency situations that may occur during your trip. Here is a list of emergency numbers that you should keep in your cell phone or notebook:

List Rescue Service Emergency Number

  1. Jasa Marga telephone number, 24 hours: 14080 

  2. Toll road information services: 0813-8006-8000 

  3. Pertamina Fuel Services: 135 

  4. Police Services: 110 

  5. Fire fighting services (Damkar): 113 

  6. Basarnas Services: 115 

  7. Ambulance service: 118 or 119 

  8. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB): 117 

  9. Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub): 151 

  10. RI Ministry of Health Crisis Center: 0812-1212-319 

  11. BPJS Health: 1-500-400

  12. Indonesian Red Cross (PMI): 021-7992325

  13. Search and Rescue (SAR) Nasional: 115

  14. Natural Disaster Command Post: 129

List Toll Road Call Center Emergency Number

  1. Tangerang-Merak Toll Road: 0254-207878 / 0800 1777 879

  2. Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi: 14080

  3. Jakarta-Bogor-Ciawi: 14080

  4. Jakarta-Tangerang: 14080

  5. Jakarta-Tangerang: 021-55753904

  6. Jakarta-Cikampek: 14080

  7. Cikampek-Palimanan: (0260) 7600 600

  8. Palimanan-Kanci: 023-1484268

  9. Button-Guard: (0231) 863 8809

  10. Pejagan-Pemalang: 0283-4511 000

  11. Pemalang-Batang: 0800 1404 041

  12. Semarang: 024-7607777

  13. Semarang-Bawen: 024-76911505

  14. Semarang-Batang: 082 129 129 229

  15. Semarang-Solo: 1500 088 / 0858 000 16080

  16. Solo-Ngai: 0271-6882222

  17. Ngawi-Kertosono: 0811 3373 301

  18. Kertosono-Mojokerto: (0321) 888 123

  19. Surabaya-Mojokerto: 031 787 6677 / 0822 1182 6677

  20. Surabaya-Gempol: 031 787 9999 / 031 787 8080

  21. Gempol-Pasuruan: 0343-6431177

  22. Pasuruan-Probolinggo: 0335-8111 777

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Always Prioritize Safety. Driver Services Trusted with Prima Driver Management

Storing emergency numbers in your cell phone is a simple but very important step to ensure safety and comfort during travel. Speed ​​of response, sense of security, reduced panic, and fast technical support are some of the key benefits of this preparation. Don't underestimate the importance of having quick access to emergency services, as this can be a lifesaver in critical situations.

Safety is the main thing that must be prioritized on every trip. To ensure you and other passengers are always safe, consider using the services of a trusted driver from Prima Driver Management. We provide professional driver services who are experienced and trained to deal with various situations on the road. With Prima Driver Management, you can enjoy your trip in peace and safety.

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