9th Anniversary PT Prima Armada Raya

Peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun PAR ke 9

On Monday, 12 June 2023. PT Prima Armada Raya also held its 9th Birthday at the Yudistira Grand Ballroom, Patra Jasa Office Tower.

The 9th Anniversary of PAR has the theme Striving for Excellence Through Digital Transformation. Also present at the event were Mr. Putut Ariwibowo as the Main Director of PT Patra Jasa, Mr. Muhammad Shabran Fauzani as the Main Director of PT Pertamina Training & Consulting, Mr. Mabroer MS as Commissioner of PT Prima Armada Raya.

Hopefully in the future, Prima can continue to expand and realize all of Prima's goals and milestones that are in line with the vision and mission

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